Thursday, July 24, 2008


Well, it seems as though everyone has a blog. As a family, we started one to discuss my pregnancy and Delaney's birth with family and friends, but this seems like it might be a little more "me". I'm not sure that I can be that interesting on a blog, but I guess it's worth a shot.
Today, Delaney is four months and six days old. I know people always say to enjoy the time because it goes by so quickly, but I don't know that I ever truly understood it before. A few weeks ago, Zap and I were talking about Delaney eventually going off to college, etc and I made the point that before she came, eighteen years was a lifetime to us, but that now it seems like a drop in the bucket. I can't imagine how quickly that time will go by.
I named my blog after that quote that reads : "
Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body. (Elizabeth Stone)" because that feeling is also something I discovered after having Delaney. I have a Master's Degree (and a ton of student loan debt to show for it) and I love what I do (speech therapy) but this..this raising my so much more than I ever get out of my career.
Here's something else I learned..I'm so thrilled that Zap and I have a good marriage. I cant' imagine how difficult this would be if our relationship were strained or not solid. Since Delaney came, we've had more "discussions" than I think we ever did before. And we're doing well, don't get me wrong, but I can't imagine if our relationship were less sturdy.

My birthday was two days ago. Zap threw a party for me with our visiting friends, Kate and Mike and my neighbor Korie and her two daughters. We had a great time. And then on my birthday night, Zap took me out for sushi at a newer sushi place in town. We've had a hard time finding good sushi here in Olympia or Lacey and this place wasn't too bad.
Today I'm taking Delaney for her four month pictures. I'm planning to do every month until six months and then a nine month and then a twelve month photo shoot. Hopefully Delaney cooperates today. She hates being changed :)

I need to run to do a few things, but welcome to my blog :)

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