Tuesday, October 20, 2009

road trip..followed by a doctor's visit

I woke up today itching to drive somewhere. BUT, Dash is such a poor car rider that I wasn't sure it could be done. We have a membership to our local children's museum and with the membership we purchased, we have reciprocal entry at other museums. SO, I looked at the list and decided to drive to Bellevue, WA to go to their museum.
Here's a picture of Delaney and Dash getting ready to go in the morning. She thought she was something else cuddling with her baby brother.

It's called KidsQuest. http://www.kidsquestmuseum.org/
I was really happy with it. The baby/toddler area is really well done. They have a sound exploration area, a water play area, a garage area, a craft area, and a play area with a sand box and a giant Lite-Bright. Overall, it was really worth the hour and a half drive. Especially since both babies slept on the way there.
Delaney had a great time. She loved the toddler area. Here she is playing with the farm toys.Delaney also really loved the big rig that they had outfitted for kids to play in. My dad drives a truck and I called him and told him how much she loved it. He promised to take her for a ride the next time he is out here.
Her absolute favorite was the water play area. You can hit buttons and shoot water, play in running water, paint with water, and watch boats float in the water. It just doesn't end. Although, when Delaney started trying to drink it I figured she should call it quits with that.
We were there for almost two hours and she didn't get bored. I'd like to take her back again; she was a little more shy than she usually is and I think that with another visit she'd be more outgoing and willing to explore. Today she kind of held back and held my hand a lot.

So after the museum, we decided to drop by the Osh K'osh store and pick up a few Halloween tops. I'm in the checkout line and holding Delaney's hand, trying to find my debit card, when Delaney went all jello on me. I got her standing up and she immediately started crying. I honestly thought she was just upset. I put her on the counter when I finished paying and then headed to the car. She did end up calming down and fell asleep on the way home. I talked to Zap about it and he and I weren't too worried. Last night, she had a really bad tantrum for fourty five minutes and we thought that maybe she was just still tired from everything last night and today on top of cutting her eyeteeth.
But when we got home, I pulled Dash out of the car and tried to get her. She started wailing. She wouldn't let me pick her up and once I got her she wouldn't let me put her down. I called Zap at work and we decided something was wrong and that her arm was most likely hurt. The doctor's was closed until 1:30 so I gave her some Tylenol to take the edge off of the pain. I called my neighbor Natalie to see if she could come over and help but she was away at a meeting. I called Zap again and asked him if he could come home because both babies were upset and needing cuddling at this point. Just before he got home, I got hold of the doctor's office and they said come right in.
Delaney and I went and left the boys at home. She was crying when she wasn't being held and had her head tilted towards the arm something pitiful in the car. Our wonderful nurse practitioners were ready for us and they looked at her to make sure that what we thought was wrong was the problem. She had "nursemaids elbow", where the elbow pops out of socket. Delaney was cradling the arm and wouldn't grip anything with it. Poor baby.
So Tammy quickly and quietly popped the elbow back into place and like magic, I got my baby girl back.
Once we got home, she was her silly, active, fun self again. She went down to bed without a fuss at all (except for asking to brush her teeth again).

Dash continues to do well. He slept for two five hour stretches last night and after a nice warm bath he went down to bed nice and easy.


Anonymous said...

I gave Liel nursemaid's elbow pulling him off a toy at home. We did the same thing, took him in the next morning. Aah, he screamed when they put it back in place - traumatic to both of us I think. It helped putting it in a sling with a cloth diaper at home. Supposedly it is really common and I just cringe when I see some mom pulling on her baby's arm and wonder whether to say anything..

Growing Up Rutledge said...

Sarah! Maisy just had nursemaids elbow in august. Isn't it scary. She did it to herself playing around.

And, we've been up to that children's museum. It's awesome.

MamaSophia said...

Wow, what a day! Glad she's all better :-) We'll have to check out that children's museum, sounds fun!

De, Christa, and Murphy said...

Poor Delaney but I'm glad she's all better! We haven't experienced nursemaids elbow or anything else of that sort yet and hope not to!
I really want to explore other museums. I'm glad to hear the Bellevue one was rad.