Monday, May 7, 2012

We are still here.

Despite all appearances to the contrary, we do still run the blog. Facebook seems so much more convenient but then we don't end up talking about our day.
It's May here and we finally got some beautiful weather. Zap took Laney for a long bike ride yesterday, I made some curtains for her room, and Dash and I had a great time out at the park with Edgar.
We are fighting some bedtime battles. We have a little girl who would prefer to never sleep. I think she thinks she would miss out on something.
We are getting ready to celebrate Dash's third birthday. He's my baby and I'm not sure how this happened.
Zap took me out to Seattle for an amazing 5th anniversary trip. The highlight was a food tour with white mustache urban adventure company. If you are ever in Seattle and want to eat some amazing food, call Bryce and go!

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