Monday, December 22, 2008

snowed in!

Well, believe me, I was singing "let it snow" for a few days. I've never been in snow like this. It comes up to the top of my calves on my street. I've never seen snow like this in my life, so I was very excited for it. Until I realized that we're pretty much snowed in. Zap went this morning to get chains for the van tires, but not a set to be found. He did end up taking the van into work, so it's not like we're truly stuck in the house, but I'm sure not driving in it.
I was going to have my first OB appt for this baby today, but the doctor's office is closed until 12:00 so they canceled my appointment. I was looking forward to this appointment and getting out of the house, but oh well. Delaney seems to be getting a little cabin fever herself. She seems completely sick of her playroom. She's been "helping" me with laundry.
Other than that, we're very excited about Christmas. We haven't finalized plans yet as to what we'll be doing. I think that with the weather the way it is, we're going to have a hard time. Plus, I really don't want to get up on Christmas morning and go to someone's house (even if it's my in-laws who I love). I want to be lazy on Christmas morning and stay in my jammies as long as possible.

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