Thursday, August 6, 2009

One week old!

Dash is one week old today (well at 1:26 am on Friday morning, but I know I won't have time tomorrow to write this) and I wanted to write a little note about where he is on these age milestones.

At one week, Dash has outgrown his preemie diapers and is now more comfortable in the newborn diapers.
He is eating every two hours and he is a wonderful nurser; we are frequently waking him up every two hours to remind him to nurse.
At night, he sleeps between me and Zap in his sleep positioner, we've been able to get him to sleep in his bassinet in the positioner for the first few hours of the night.
He enjoys being held mostly and loves to be swaddled tightly.
He sleeps probably 90% of his day at this point.
He smells delicious; that new baby smell is heaven.
He has straight, soft black hair and deep deep blue eyes.

At a weight check appointment today, Dash has weighed just slightly over 7 pounds, so he's nearly back up to his birth weight. His umbilical stump is about to fall off (which I'm glad for; we are having some newborn pictures of him taken tomorrow)

Delaney is doing very well with Dash. Today, I started thinking that maybe she thinks we brought him home for her. When she first sees him, she has to kiss him and pet his head. She's very gentle with him.

That's about it for now; off to cuddle on the couch with Zap while we take turns holding our little man.

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