Friday, August 14, 2009

Two Weeks Old!

Dash is two weeks old today!
He is still wearing newborn diapers, but we're probably getting close to moving to our size 1's. He continues to nurse every two hours (here and there an hour or an hour and a half). His nursing sessions are getting longer and longer. We may be working our way up to ten to twelve minutes.
At night, Dash still sleeps between me and Zap but we are slowly working our way to his sleeping in the bassinet next to our bed.
He still loves to be swaddled - tightly!
I would say that now he sleeps maybe 80-90% of his day. He was awake for a whole hour on Thursday morning.
He continues to smell delicious and he still has very deep blue eyes and straight dark hair.
At the 2 week weight check, he was just under 7 pounds ten ounces, so he's gaining more than an ounce a day.
Dash has also developed this breathing thing. You can hear him take in breaths; most often when he's working on something else (ex. a full diaper), but its very scary. I took him into the doctor and he basically said its a very typical newborn thing and harmless. We'll continue to keep an eye on it and watch out for a few specific indicators that it could be something deeper.
His umbilical stump fell off last Thursday.
We have scheduled his circumcision for August 25th. I'm dreading it, but hoping it won't be as bad as I'm making it out to be in my head.

Delaney continues to do well with Dash, but she is cutting her two bottom eye teeth (we know one for sure, but hopefully with all this grief we get a 2 for 1 deal) and she is miserable. We've always used Tylenol for teething but I asked the doctor this week if we could add Motrin and we have. It seems to be helping with her pain.

Off to bed. We're exhausted. I think we both forgot how long these nights are. But so very worth it.

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