Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dash is two months old!

I'm a little late, but I need to do Dash's two month update and do a quick update on Delaney as well.
First for Dash. He officially hit two months yesterday and I did get his two month picture. I need to figure out how to put a photo in my post though so I can share it.
He is still in size 1 diapers, but I think we've bought our last box of them. At his two month checkup last week he was 11 pounds 14 ounces, so I'm pretty sure by now that he's up to 12 pounds.
During the day he nurses every two hours or less. I've figured out how to nurse him in the front carrier, so sometimes he just realizes how close he is to the breast and "needs" to nurse.
At night however, he usually nurses around 7 and then sleeps until 1:00 or 1:30. Then he wakes up again around 4:00 - 5:00 and sometimes will go back down until 6:30 or 7:00.
He's a very efficient nurser and so he usually only does about ten minutes per breast. But maybe 25-30% of the time he'll nurse 20 minutes on one. He is sleeping in his crib now until that 6:00 - 7:00 wakeup. At night, Zap rocks him back to sleep and sometimes this takes about an hour.
He likes to be swaddled still and still seems to enjoy skin to skin contact when he can have it. But, I think we're coming out of the fussy stage. He does need to be held most of the day, so he spends a lot of his day in the front carrier.
He's able to stay awake longer, sometimes up to two hours. He's also starting to coo and make smiley faces at us. I even think I've seen a little giggle.

He is losing that newborn smell. Sometimes he smells like Zap to me which I really love. His eyes are still very blue. And the straight, dark hair is growing into wavy dark hair. Another curly haired baby!

The breathing deal has resolved itself and now he may be "squeaky" one evening a week.

Delaney has started to be a little less gentle with him. Last week, we had to have the "no feet on brother" talk, but she does listen and still loves to kiss and hug him.

Here's my big update on Delaney: She now only uses her binky at night and during naps. We just started leaving it upstairs in the mornings and after naps and letting her know that she could have it again at naptime. We've had a few arguments and tears, but it's gone better than I would have thought.
Here are two funny binky stories. Yesterday at toddler gym, her friend Maisy had a binky and Delaney looked at her as if to say "How did you work it so that you get your binky??" A minute or so later, Delaney turned around and to nobody in particular, she made a face and tried to suck an imaginary binky. It was really pitiful. I nearly gave in, but I didn't even have a binky on hand.

After toddler gym on the way home, she fell asleep and I had to carry her up to bed and change her diaper. As I laid her on her mattress, she said "be-be", which is Delaney for binky. It was also really cute and pitiful at the same time. She immediately got her binky though.

Delaney also had her first dentist appointment which went really well. She got to play with all the equipment and squirt water, squirt air, suck with the straw and brush a monster doll's teeth. She did really well until the dentist went to count her teeth and that was hard for her. BUT, she was able to listen to me and make it through the counting. (She has eight by the way) :)

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