Friday, October 2, 2009

our field trip today

Today, Delaney, Dash and I met up with our friends Brooke and Liel and rode the bus for a loop around downtown. Delaney loved it! She stood on the seat and looked out the window and thought it was fun to be able to stand up in a moving vehicle.
Afterwards, we went through the farmer's market and she got to eat free samples of pears, plums, peaches, and even got a free apple. She's lately been into eating apples; yesterday she got into the fruit bowl and nibbled three apples.
Dash slept last night from 7 until 10:30 and then 11 until 3:30 and then until 6. He's doing really well.

And now, Delaney's up in her crib singing her ABC's.

Oh. I need to add in how stinking cute she is when she is feeding Edgar. She grabs his bowl, sits on the floor, and pours the kibble in. Then she calls Edgar, tells him OK, and pats him and tells him he's a good puppy.

She's good at her chores :)

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