Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dash is 3 months old!

He officially hit three months on Halloween, but here's his update!

He is in size 2 diapers and has been for a week or two. I don't have an exact weight on him, but I know he's over 13 pounds now! He was in the 80th percentile for his weight at his three month checkup.

During the day, he continues to nurse every two hours or less. He's still a great nurser and is starting to be more alert when nursing, which is sweet.

He's been sleeping through the night most nights. Last night in fact, he nursed at 6:30pm and then woke up at 3:00 AM!! And again at 6AM. We are really loving the sleep. He sleeps in his crib entirely now, which is really nice. Zap is his sleep guru and he puts him to bed.
He's also now in just a body swaddle; his legs are not in the swaddle.
He prefers to be held most of the day but is starting to do more floor, tummy, and swing time.
Just in the last few days we have noticed he is more alert and chatty. He loves when we say "Are YOU the baby???" and pretty much any singing.

He smells like a baby now, not a newborn. The deep blue in his eyes is going away and somedays there is more green and some days more brown. His hair is still very dark and curly after it is washed.

He is never "squeaky" anymore when he's breathing, so he completely outgrew that.

Delaney is doing well with him. Just tonight, she hit him a little and got sent straight to time out; after she apologized to him and gave him a kiss (on his toes).

In other news, we had a great time with Aunt Brenna here. We did the Cider Mill, took trips up to Seattle, had two girls nights out (so much fun) and Brenna got her baby holding time in.

I PROMISE pictures soon!

1 comment:

De, Christa, and Murphy said...

Pictures for sure, but I'm lucky I get to see them twice a week in person! Cute, cute, cute, I'm telling you!