Thursday, January 21, 2010

just a quick update

In our world, there's not much new happening. But, Grandpa Jerry is doing really well. I saw him the other night and looking at him, you would never know that he had open heart surgery not even a week ago (well, a week ago TODAY).

Delaney is doing well; we've gone to pull-ups in the potty training. I got tired of cleaning up peed on car seats. She seems to be doing really well with the pull-ups, so my plan is to use them until she's better trained (i.e. telling me when she needs to use the bathroom) and then we'll go back to the training underwear.

Dash is doing really well. He rolls back to front now. He slept last night from 7pm to 6am; I can't even tell you how wonderful it was to get that much sleep. Zap said he did wake up around 1:00 but by the time Zap went in to get him, Dash was back asleep.

We've been reminded this week by a few things (the earthquake in Haiti, the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti, and a good friend who suffered a loss this week) by how blessed and lucky we are. I'm not even sure that we have a right to be this blessed. It makes me want to pay it forward in as many ways as I can find. I know that one way I can do that is to continue to take good care of my husband and children, but I think I'd like to start finding some community outreach for us to participate in. I think it would be even more enriching if I could get Delaney involved in it as well.

1 comment:

roansmama said...

you DO have a right to be this blessed!! We don't choose :)