Wednesday, December 3, 2008

random news

We did Delaney's 8 month pictures on Monday and they came back looking better than I imagined. What really makes me happy is that Delaney was not easy to work with that day and the pictures still came out pretty amazing. If you haven't seen them, please let me know and I'll share.
My blood work came back really well. We're definitely pregnant. I'm not sure that I needed the blood test to tell me that though. I'm starting to feel a little queasy during the day. Brushing my teeth is an intimidating task because it used to make me sick when I was pregnant with Delaney.
I'm working the next three Wednesdays and today the SLP assistant who is going to help cover the caseload at my school since the other SLP left is coming and I officially have to hand over some kids. I'm going to "help her be independent" but I'm also going to be watching therapy closely. I have some kids that I'm not comfortable sending her way. And only because I think that either the relationship that we've developed or their need for continuity is more important. I'm going to be picking up some kids in the Developmentally Delayed program and I'm sure I will come to love them.

1 comment:

Mike Adamick said...

great, great, great photo! So cute!

Mike @cryitout