And where did it go?? Oh, that's right, I had family visiting for three weeks! My mom and grandmother arrived on November 19th and they just left today (Dec. 3rd). We had a wonderful time together and Mammaw seemed to especially enjoy Dash.
She seems like she's doing okay since Pappaw passed, and I think the visit here did her good.
While they were here we took a trip to the Carter's outlet, went to a gingerbread house competition, cooked dinners together, and had a lot of fun. Delaney loves her Nana and she thinks she's silly.
Mom and Mammaw also helped me get the house in order, which was really helpful.
In other news, Dash is four months old.
He is in size 3 diapers now and has been for a few days. I know he's just about, right next to 16 pounds (I know this from our frequent trips to the doctors office for colds and other fun stuff. At his four month checkup he's in the 70th percentile for his weight and 25th for his length and head circumference.
During the day, he continues to nurse every two hours or less. He's a wonderful nurser still and he's sweet and soft to his mama.
He still sleeps through the night most nights. A few nights ago, he slept from 7pm to 3am and from 3am to 7am. It was wonderful!!
He's been sleeping through the night most nights. Last night in fact, he nursed at 6:30pm and then woke up at 3:00 AM!! And again at 6AM. We are really loving the sleep. He sleeps in his crib entirely now, which is really nice. Zap is his sleep guru and he puts him to bed.
He's also now in just a body swaddle; his legs are not in the swaddle.
He prefers to be held most of the day but is starting to do more floor, tummy, and swing time.
Just in the last few days we have noticed he is more alert and chatty. He loves when we say "Are YOU the baby???" and pretty much any singing.
He smells like a baby now, not a newborn. The deep blue in his eyes is going away and somedays there is more green and some days more brown. His hair is still very dark and curly after it is washed.
He is never "squeaky" anymore when he's breathing, so he completely outgrew that.
Delaney is doing well with him. Just tonight, she hit him a little and got sent straight to time out; after she apologized to him and gave him a kiss (on his toes).
Dash is teething and teething pretty hard. Thanks to our pal, Christa, who had some infant Tylenol with her today at toddler gym; he really needed it to settle down.
speaking of the little man, he's awake, so I'll post this (seeing as it took me like five days to post it in the first place) for you all to read.